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Re: x509

On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 22:11, Markus Friedl wrote:

> > I think it makes sense to keep the ssh-dsa and ssh-rsa encodings for
> > signatures. Certificate standards typically don't define formats for
> > detached signatures. Whether or not a new name is attached to the data
> > isn't terribly important, but I'd prefer *not* introducing new
> > redundant names.
> ok, then the transport draft must say:
> signatures for hostkeys of type "ssh-rsa-x509v3" are
> encoded as
> 	string	"ssh-rsa"
> 	string	rsa_signature_blob.

Here is a modified modified version of the relevent section of the 
draft. I have removed the "old" certificate-based formats, perhaps they 
need to be included? The contents of the certificate blobs themselves 
need further specification too.

4.6 Public Key Algorithms

   This protocol has been designed to be able to operate with almost any
   public key format, encoding, and algorithm (signature and/or

   There are several aspects that define a public key type:
   o  Key format: how is the key encoded and how are certificates
      represented.  The key blobs in this protocol MAY contain
      certificates in addition to keys.
   o  Signature and/or encryption algorithms.  Some key types may not
      support both signing and encryption.  Key usage may also be
      restricted by policy statements in e.g.  certificates.  In this
      case, different key types SHOULD be defined for the different
      policy alternatives.
   o  Encoding of signatures and/or encrypted data.  This includes but
      is not limited to padding, byte order, and data formats.

   The following public key and/or certificate formats are currently

   ssh-dss        REQUIRED    sign  no-cert Simple DSS
   ssh-rsa        RECOMMENDED sign  no-cert Simple RSA
   ssh-dss-x509v3 RECOMMENDED sign  cert    X.509 certificates (DSS)
   ssh-rsa-x509v3 RECOMMENDED sign  cert    X.509 certificates (RSA)
   ssh-dss-spki   OPTIONAL    sign  cert    SPKI certificates (DSS)
   ssh-rsa-spki   OPTIONAL    sign  cert    SPKI certificates (RSA)
   ssh-dss-pgp    OPTIONAL    sign  cert    OpenPGP certificates (DSS)
   ssh-rsa-pgp    OPTIONAL    sign  cert    OpenPGP certificates (RSA)

   Additional key types may be defined as specified in [SSH-ARCH].

   The key type MUST always be explicitly known (from algorithm
   negotiation or some other source).  It is not normally included in
   the key blob.

   Certificates and public keys are encoded as follows:

     string   certificate or public key format identifier
     mpint[n] key data
     string   certificate data (optional)

   The certificate part should not be included for formats which include
   signatures only, but a public key is required.  This is the public
   key that will be used for authentication; the certificate sequence
   contained in the certificate blob can be used to provide

   The "ssh-dss" key format has the following specific encoding:

     string    "ssh-dss"
     mpint     p
     mpint     q
     mpint     g
     mpint     y

   Here the p, q, g, and y parameters form the signature key blob.

   Signing and verifying using this key format is done according to the
   Digital Signature Standard [FIPS-186] using the SHA-1 hash.  A
   description can also be found in [SCHNEIER].

   The certificate formats based on ssh-dss extend the public key 
   format to include certificate data:

     string    "ssh-dss-x509v3" / "ssh-dss-spki" / "ssh-dss-pgp"
     mpint     p
     mpint     q
     mpint     g
     mpint     y
     string    certificate

   In the case of "ssh-dss-x509v3", the certificate must be in a X.509v3
   compatible DER-encoded format.  The formats used in X.509v3 are 
   described in [RFC2459].  The key (or one of the keys in
   the certificate) MUST be a DSA key which matches the p, q, g and y 
   public key portions present in the first part of the packet.

   The "ssh-dss-spki" method indicates that the certificate blob
   contains a sequence of SPKI certificates.  The format of SPKI
   certificates is described in [RFC2693].  The key (or one of the keys 
   in the certificate) MUST be a DSA key which matches the p, q, g and y
   public key portions present in the first part of the packet.

   The "ssh-dss-pgp" method indicates the certificate is in an OpenPGP
   compatible binary format ([RFC2440]).  The key in the certificate 
   MUST be a DSS key which matches the p, q, g and y public key portions
   present in the first part of the packet..

   For all DSS algorithms he resulting signature is encoded as follows:

     string    "ssh-dss"
     string    dss_signature_blob

   dss_signature_blob is encoded as a string containing r followed by s
   (which are 160 bits long integers, without lengths or padding,
   unsigned and in network byte order).

   The "ssh-rsa" key format has the following specific encoding:

     string    "ssh-rsa"
     mpint     e
     mpint     n

   Here the e and n parameters form the signature key blob.

   Signing and verifying using this key format is done according to
   [SCHNEIER] and [PKCS1] using the SHA-1 hash.

   The certificate formats based on ssh-rsa extend the public key 
   format to include certificate data:

     string    "ssh-rsa-x509v3" / "ssh-rsa-spki" / "ssh-rsa-pgp"
     mpint     e
     mpint     n
     string    certificate

   The format of the certificate string for each of these algorithms is
   that same as the DSS certificate algorithms specified above. In all 
   cases the certificate MUST contain an RSA key which matches the 
   n and e components sent in the first portion of the packet.
   The resulting signature is encoded as follows:

     string    "ssh-rsa"
     string    rsa_signature_blob

   rsa_signature_blob is encoded as a string containing s (which is an
   integer, without lengths or padding, unsigned and in network byte



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