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Re: x509

On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 23:01, Niels Möller wrote:

> But on second thought, this beautiful separation of SSH things from
> x.509 things doesn't quite work. Somebody *has* to check that the e
> and n above equals the key that is somewhere inside the ASN.1
> certificate chain, otherwise, the certificate checking has a hole you
> can drive a 20 ton truck right through.
> So now I think it's best to *not* duplicate crucial security
> information like this. If we do, I'm sure some implementation will
> forget to check that the information is consistent.

I think that is putting it a little strong - you still have to present a
valid signature. You run into problems if the remote end grants
additionak trust (e.g. automatically accepting a host key) based on
information in the certificate.

It seems unlikely that implementors would go to all the trouble of
implementing certificate chain checking, etc only to miss something so


| By convention there is color,       \\ Damien Miller <>
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