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Re: Specifying file names in SSH File Transfer Protocol

Richard Whalen  <> wrote:
> A file name is composed of a sequence of strings.  The first string
> specifies the file system.  The last string specifies the file name.  The
> intermediate strings specify each element of the directory path.  This will
> allow each system to compose the appropriate syntax by concatenating the
> strings with the appropriate separators.

It isn't entirely clear what you mean by `each system'. Do you mean
that the _client_ will use its own local convention for
concatenating the file name components (so that running sftp on Unix
will make every remote system look like a Unix, and likewise on
Windows, VMS or whatever)? Or do you mean that the server will do
the concatenation (sending over a concatenated file name as well as
the separated components)? Or that the server will specify how the
client should do the concatenation, or what?
Simon Tatham         "Every person has a thinking part that wonders what
<>    the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking about."

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