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RE: Specifying file names in SSH File Transfer Protocol

I meant each server will do the concatenation, as the server has to do the
job of accessing the file.  Of course the clients can also concatenate, to
give the user some information about the name of the file being accessed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Tatham []
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Specifying file names in SSH File Transfer Protocol

Richard Whalen  <> wrote:
> A file name is composed of a sequence of strings.  The first string
> specifies the file system.  The last string specifies the file name.  The
> intermediate strings specify each element of the directory path.  This
> allow each system to compose the appropriate syntax by concatenating the
> strings with the appropriate separators.

It isn't entirely clear what you mean by `each system'. Do you mean
that the _client_ will use its own local convention for
concatenating the file name components (so that running sftp on Unix
will make every remote system look like a Unix, and likewise on
Windows, VMS or whatever)? Or do you mean that the server will do
the concatenation (sending over a concatenated file name as well as
the separated components)? Or that the server will specify how the
client should do the concatenation, or what?
Simon Tatham         "Every person has a thinking part that wonders what
<>    the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking about."

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