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Re: Core draft last call update.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 09:36:28AM +0100, Markus Friedl wrote:
> when CFB/OFB is
> less controversal and already supported by existing implementations.

Additional ciphers

   The following additional ciphers are defined in output feedback
   (OFB) mode:

     3des-ofb         RECOMMENDED       three-key 3DES in OFB mode
     blowfish-ofb     RECOMMENDED       Blowfish in OFB mode
     aes256-ofb       OPTIONAL          AES (Rijndael) in OFB mode,
                                        with 256-bit key
     aes192-ofb       OPTIONAL          AES with 192-bit key
     aes128-ofb       RECOMMENDED       AES with 128-bit key
     cast128-ofb      OPTIONAL          CAST-128 in OFB mode

   These ciphers are block ciphers use the same key setup, block
   size and IVs as their CBC counterparts, see [SSH-TRANS] for more
   information. (The IV must be changed if the same encryption key
   is reused.)

   The OFB mode is used with full feedback [HANDBOOK-APPLIED-CRYPTO,

   "3des-ofb", "blowfish-ofb" and "cast128-ofb" use 64 bit feedback
   in OFB mode.

   "aes256-ofb", "aes192-ofb" and "aes128-ofb" use 128 bit feedback
   in OFB mode.


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