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Re: closing a channel

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 07:41:14PM +0100, Niels Mller wrote:
> Ordinary data and extended data are treated as a single stream for
> flow control. It would be odd to treat them differently with respect
> to EOF only.

Yes, I see this.  My reason for linking EOF to the CHANNEL_DATA
is that i wanted to signal the EOF for the logins stdout
immediately to the client, so I can close(stdout).

> It might be desirable to have a wider separation between stdout and
> stderr data than is provided by the extended data hack.

Yes, that would help.

> Can one send CHANNEL_REQUEST after EOF? I'd say yes. In particular,
> the order in which my server sends CHANNEL_EOF and CHANNEL_REQUEST
> "exit-status" depends on the the relative timing of i/o and the
> SIGCHLD signal, and is esssentially random. 

Yes, of course. You can send CHANNEL_REQUEST always, until you
send a CHANNEL_CLOSE message.

> Can one send WINDOW_ADJUST after EOF? This is an ill-posed question.

I think EOF and WINDOW_ADJUST are unrelated. Even receiving a
WINDOW_ADJUST after an EOF makes sense, because the peer could have
sent the WINDOW_ADJUST before he receives the EOF.

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