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Re: draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-03.txt

> The simplest solution might be to amend the Abstract of
> assignednumbers to add an exception for "des-cbc". However I don't know
> if this is considered "bad form" for such an IANA-oriented document.

I wouldn't think so.

but I'd just revise it to:

      This document defines the initial state of the IANA assigned
      numbers for the SSH protocol as defined in [SSH-ARCH], [SSH-
      TRANS], [SSH-CONNECT], [SSH-USERAUTH].  Except for one HISTORIC 
      algorithm generally regarded as obsolete, this document does not
      define any protocols or any number ranges not already defined
      in the above referenced documents.

(add exception, delete "new" because des-cbc use by sshv2
implementations is not new).

If anyone objects, speak up ASAP.

					- Bill

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