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Re: draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-03.txt

At the risk of reigniting the "des-cbc" discussion...

>From attachment draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-03.txt:

| Abstract
|       This document defines the initial state of the IANA assigned
|       numbers for the SSH protocol as defined in [SSH-ARCH], [SSH-
|       TRANS], [SSH-CONNECT], [SSH-USERAUTH].  This document does not
|       define any new protocols or any number ranges not already defined
|       in the above referenced documents.

However, this isn't strictly correct, as section 4.1 "Encryption
Algorithm Names" defines "des-cbc", which isn't mentioned in any of
the above references:

| des-cbc     [FIPS-46-3] HISTORIC; See page 4 of [FIPS 46-3]

In effect it appears to define a new algorithm by reference to

The simplest solution might be to amend the Abstract of
assignednumbers to add an exception for "des-cbc". However I don't know
if this is considered "bad form" for such an IANA-oriented document.

(derived from

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