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Re: Transport I-D: KEXINIT reserved field needs description

Nicolas Williams wrote:

The transport I-D defines the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message:

    byte      SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
    byte[16]  cookie (random bytes)
    string    kex_algorithms
    string    server_host_key_algorithms
    string    encryption_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    encryption_algorithms_server_to_client
    string    mac_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    mac_algorithms_server_to_client
    string    compression_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    compression_algorithms_server_to_client
    string    languages_client_to_server
    string    languages_server_to_client
    boolean   first_kex_packet_follows
    uint32    0 (reserved for future extension)

Nothing is said about the semantics of the last field.

Can implementors describe how they handle non-zero values for the last

Currently, debug builds of VanDyke's implementation ASSERT that the value is 0, but since these builds are not shipped (as a general rule), I believe we are okay with
the value being changed.

I propose the following change:

- Name the last field of KEXINIT "extensions":

    byte      SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
    byte[16]  cookie (random bytes)
    string    kex_algorithms
    string    server_host_key_algorithms
    string    encryption_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    encryption_algorithms_server_to_client
    string    mac_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    mac_algorithms_server_to_client
    string    compression_algorithms_client_to_server
    string    compression_algorithms_server_to_client
string languages_client_to_server string languages_server_to_client boolean first_kex_packet_follows uint32 extensions

- Describe the 'extensions' field and the semantics of extensions

	 Currently MUST always be set to zero (0).  If set to zero this
	 is the last item in this packet.  Future extensions to
	 SSH_MSG_KEXINIT may be defined by IETF RFCs which specify
	 non-zero values for this field and add fields to the end of the
	 packet.  Receipients MUST ignore any items in SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
	 packets past this field that if they do not know the extensions

	 ["Implementations must be careful to include the entire
	   SSH_MSG_KEXINIT packets in the session ID hash, not just the
	   fields they know about." ??]
I do think we want the sentance clarifying that the entire KEX packet must
be included in session id hash.  Should it say key exchange hash instead?
Since only the first key exchange hash becomes the session id.

I assume we don't want to define the extension format now because of last call?

We might be able to use the extensions field as a count field:

boolean first_kex_packet_follows uint32 extension_count
    string    extension_name[1]
    string    extension_data[1]
    string    extension_name[2]
    string    extension_data[2]
    string    extension_name[...]
    string    extension_data[...]
    string    extension_name[extension_count]
    string    extension_data[extension_count]

And give extension name the same semantics that is used else where in the
document-- @dns name extendable.

Remember, what is being extended here is algorithm negotiation, not
(as the packet name might have you think) key exchange (well, key exchange
algorithm is part of what is being negotiated.)

So I think a flexible extension mechanism is called for. I.e., some of the things
that might be negotiated here in the future might be:

- hash algorithm for failed kex packets.
- compatibility work arounds (My implementation is, and
 I've fixed bugs 1 & 2; if you were working around this bugs, please
 don't anymore.)
- Capabilities announcement (I support packets > 35K; I support key exchange retry; etc., etc.)

I wouldn't want to assume we are smart enough to anticipate all future needs, or that everyone's needs will actually need to be standardized by the IETF. By allowing extensibility, we prevent those people that have needs not met by the IETF from producing broken, non-complaint implementations. (I believe that people will produce
implementations that meet their needs, whether they can do it and comply
with the RFC or not.)

But this is all probably discussion for a new I-D.


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