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Re: Please advance draft-ietf-secsh-auth-kbdinteract-05.txt


Frank Cusack wrote:

Here are a few typo fixes (ie, nothing substantive, but still worth fixing

Here's one more :-)

@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
 If the server intends to respond with a failure message, it MAY delay
 for an implementation-dependent time before sending to the client.
 It is suspected that implementations are likely to make the time delay
-a configurable, a suggested default is 2 seconds.
+a configurable; a suggested default is 2 seconds.
  +configurable; a suggested default is 2 seconds.

  +a configurable item; a suggested default is 2 seconds.

Or s/item/parameter/, either way, configurable is not a noun...

Jon Bright
Lead Programmer, Silicon Circus Ltd.

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