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Re: gss userauth

On Tuesday, September 02, 2003 13:08:30 -0400 "Joel N. Weber II" <> wrote:

Jeff, could you please comment on what you don't like about my
proposal to have a gssapi-mic method that does all of the messages
gssapi currently does, followed by sending a mic, and then having a
gssapi-keyex method that does a mic using the keyex context?  I've
sent two messages suggesting this before, but it's not at all clear
that you've acknowleged that I've even proposed this; your reaction to

Er, sorry. Yes, of course I've seen this proposal. I think Markus is proposing essentially the same thing, and I assume it's the leading alternative to the gssapi-mic we've already discussed and specified (can you please use some other name; having two proposals which use the same method name is confusing).

Might I propose, for the time being, "gssapi-with-mic".

I'm not convinced that what you describe is actually easier to implement correctly. It may be easier to do in the openssh server, because it doesn't require filling in whatever support for partial authentication is missing, but openssh is not the only implementation by any means. I'd like to hear from implementors other than you on this question.
> I'm also not convinced that it's better than what we already have.  The
> only real improvement seems to be that it doesn't require using partial
> authentication, which Markus finds distasteful.  I've yet to see any
> argument as to _why_ using partial authentication is distasteful.

I originally was in support of the partial auth method... it seemed
like a really elegant solution.

However, after having taken a first pass at implementing it,
I have to say the "gssapi-with-mic" has several advantages:

o In order to implement compatability using "gssapi-mic" the server
  must use out-of-band information to determine whether the client
  can do "gssapi-mic".  I.e., if the client can't do "gssapi-mic",
  the server can't send partial success on the "gssapi" and be
  backwards compatible.

  Using "gssapi-with-mic", the clients sending "gssapi-with-mic" implies
  it can do it.

o Our software is highly modular C++.  With "gssapi-mic", the object
  that implements "gssapi" and the object that implements gssapi key exchange
  must find someplace to put the token.  Previously, we hadn't a much more
  limited form of this problem supporting "external-keyx".

o "gssapi-mic" turned out to be much more complicated to specify than
  I had been thinking.  In particular, specifying which context could
  be used was more complicated.

  Complex specifications are hard to implement correctly.

If we were to go the "gssapi-with-mic" route, I would propose
that we deprecate "gssapi" userauth, and do something like:

  "Integrity MUST be specified as an input to gss_init_sec_context().
  If the resulting context supports integrity, the output of
  gss_getMic on <some data> must be included.  Otherwise the
  "mic" string MUST be empty.

  It is a site policy descision for the server whether or not
  to accept for authentication gss mechanisms that do not
  support integrity.  The server MAY fail the otherwise valid
  gssapi-with-mic authentication if integrity is not supported.

Now we end up with only one authentication method, and it handles
(securely, I believe) both the integrity and the non integrity

The problem with continuing to support both "gssapi" and
"gssapi-with-mic" is that we are subject to downgrade attacks.
Implementators that choose to support older clients will have
this problem-- but, again, I believe that should be a site
policy decision.  And I think "gssapi-with-mic" may make it
easier to implement this as a site policy.

I'm also one of those looking for a solution quick -- I'm bumping
up against an upcoming ship-date.  So, I'm also in favor of a solution
quickly-- so I'm willing to support "gssapi-mic" if it gets
to a resolution quickly.


- Joseph

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