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secsh WG meeting at IETF58 in Minneapolis: November 11, 2003

We're currently scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  

Please send proposed agenda items to me.

						- Bill

DRAFT Agenda of the 58th IETF Meeting
November 9-14, 2003
(As of October 31, 2003)


TUESDAY, November 11, 2003

1415-1515 Afternoon Sessions II
APP       ldup     LDAP Duplication/Replication/Update Protocols WG
INT       eap      Extensible Authentication Protocol WG
INT       magma    Multicast & Anycast Group Membership WG
IRTF      gsec     Group Security Research Group
SEC       secsh    Secure Shell WG
TSV       alias    Access Link Intermediaries Assisting Services BOF
TSV       nsis     Next Steps in Signaling WG

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