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Re: additional core draft nits in need of WG attention.

Jon Bright wrote:

If implementors shout at me about whether they support AES, rather than everyone sending in a mail to the list, I'll be happy to correlate the answers and send a summary tomorrow at about this time.

So, further to this - I doubt this list is anything like complete, but the following implementations all support AES. Nobody mailed to say they didn't:

All current Vandyke versions

Peter Gutman didn't mail to say whether his implementation supports AES or not (since his policy is to support as little as possible, I guess he'd be the most likely candidate for non-support, hence the special mention).

Matt Johnston (DropBear) mentioned he might try and hunt down an SSH2 implementation that didn't support AES. He's not mailed to say he found anything, but that could just mean he hasn't had time yet.

Either way, it seems like making AES required won't cause problems for anyone.

Jon Bright
Silicon Circus Ltd.

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