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WG chair comments on late comments

> I've been meaning to send these in for awhile, seeing the latest draft (which
> adds the changed-format request message) finally motivated me to type up the
> comments I had.

A note on timeliness.

It does nobody any good when WG participants keep their thoughts to

Unfortunately, these comments are no longer particularly timely.  This
document has been a working group item for several years.

The most recent version was published in July, 2003

On July 24th of this year, I sent a message saying, in part:

   This message marks the start of a two week WORKING GROUP LAST CALL on

      Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol

   prior to review by the IETF and IESG for publication as a Proposed
   Please send comments to by August 8th, 2003.

While clearing the backlog of email prior to the past week's IETF
meeting, I realized that I had dropped the ball here -- the WG last
call had timed out and that I hadn't forwarded the document on to the
IESG; I passed it up on November 9th and it's now in the AD's hands..

						- Bill

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