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Re: Comments on DH-GEX draft

> In any case, the new-gex format is at best completely redundant and at
> worst misleading, since the message format implies some sort of choice while
> the text says the server can do anything it feels like:
>          Servers and clients SHOULD support groups with a modulus
>          length of k bits, where 1024 <= k <= 8192.  The recommended
>          values for min and max are 1024 and 8192 respectively.
> which is synonymous with "you can use any (safe) key size you feel
> like".

No, this is a recommendation on implementation capability, not a
recommendation to ignore the client's min and max values.

Page 3 says:

     1.   C sends "min || n || max" to S, indicating the minimal accept-
          able group size, the preferred size of the group and the maxi-
          mal group size in bits the client will accept.

     2.   S finds a group that best matches the client's request, and
          sends "p || g" to C.

Would you like a clarification here?  

	The group selected MUST be within the bounds preferred by the
	client; if no such group is available, the server should
	fail this key exchange, allowing a fallback to a secondary key

					- Bill

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