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Re: IETF in Seoul.

Niels Möller wrote:

Bill Sommerfeld <> writes:

History over the past couple years has shown this working group
tends to have fairly sparse attendance at non-north-american

Hmm, why is the statistics so bad for Europe? There are quite a few ssh developers living over here, as far as I know. (I've only ever been to one ietf meeting, in Oslo a few years ago, but it turned out there was no secsh meeting that time. Oslo is just some five hours by
 train from home).

Now that I've started taking a slightly more active part in this WG, I'd
certainly be happy to go to any IETF within reasonable travelling
distance (which for me means within about 1000km of Dortmund, Germany),
*but* it's difficult to justify the $500 outlay for the registration
fee. Adding intercontinental airfare and hotel costs to that makes it even less possible. A quick estimate shows attending the IETF in Seoul would cost 1533EUR before hotel costs, probably 2000EUR including hotel, probably 2500EUR by the time incidentals are added. For (e.g.) Sun, this is a drop in the ocean - for us, unless there's some benefit of attendance I'm unaware of, the cost/benefit doesn't work out. I'd guess this applies to a lot of people who don't have large corporate employers/sponsors.

I'll be in Seoul, but before I request a meeting slot I'd like to
hear from active WG participants to get a sense as to whether we'll
have critical mass for any of our work areas..

I won't be there :-)

Jon Bright
Silicon Circus Ltd.

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