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Using X.509 with SSHv2

Hi all.


I have questions regarding SSHv2 support for X.509 certificates. I see this is a reoccurring question in the archive, but I?d like an update if anyone can find the time.


I have read in the "draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-16.txt", expiring on December 1 2004 that X.509 are optional for SSH. However, from what I have read in the archives, it is not yet defined.


Does this mean, that if I set up an SSHv2 server that is capable of doing mutual authentication with X.509, only a few specific SSH clients will be able to authenticate in this way?


I?m not looking for a list of vendors, but wondering if this type of setup is even close to a ?standard? yet or not. (I know the Internet Drafts are not standards, but it is the closest thing for SSH now?)


Thank you for you time.




P.S. ? For anyone who?s interested:

Ideally, I?d like to have clients on an open network with an X.509 certificate installed. This certificate will be used for HTTPS and SSH to different servers on my network. Username/passwords would be supplied as well (at least for SSH) and this would be linked to the public key to provide strong authentication. Comments?


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