Niels Möller wrote:
To me, it seems cleaner and less confusing to stick to the original intentions of Tero and others and use a small ssh-specific name space, and naming scheme A above. Then diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 means "well known group 2" from one RFC. diffie-hellman-group2-sha1 means a 2028-bit group from a different RFC. diffie-hellman-group3-sha1 will mean whatever we choose it to mean at the time we decide we need yet another fixed group.
I fully agree with Niels here. This way we would get it clear once and for all. Should we borrow group numbering from ike, we should then include all of them instead of arbitrary subset. Anyways, it is much simpler and straightforward to use independent numbering in SecSh.
-- Timo J. Rinne <> -+-+-+-