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Re: Straw Poll on group name

Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
At the end of this message, you'll find a summary from Tero Kivinen of
the usage by other protocols of the common MODP groups on the saag
list; I think it conclusively demonstrates that every user of the MODP
groups is doing something different.

That only leaves

straw poll:
	[A] we should use small integers to refer to common groups
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group2-sha1

	[B] we should refer to groups by size:
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group2048-sha1

	[C] we should refer to groups by the ike number
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

In your response to the poll, please:
 a) explain the one you prefer and why.
 b) list any options you find unacceptable and explain why.

I prefer A and find C unacceptable.

A is simple and gives us simple and unambiguous way to refer any dh-group in any standard document we like. It is also logic continuation of the current practise.

B is better since we probably are not going to make more than one group of one specific size. However we already have a group not using this convention. Also why knowingly limit the possibility to consistently name several groups in a consistent matter.

C is clearly against the common practise in current protocol standard drafts. It is also inherently inconsistent having already one exception in ssh-draft. More inconsistency arises from the fact that we are not going to use entire ike namespace.

Timo J. Rinne		<>

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