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Re: Straw Poll on group name

Chris Lonvick <> writes:

> We could continue with [A] and define diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 in
> [TRANS].  A simple note to the IANA in [NUMBERS] could state that future
> values of N MUST NOT include 14.

Such a note makes no sense to me at all. If we want
"diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", then we go with [C], and that's it. It
may be a little ugly (depending on one's taste), but it's *not*
formally a special case in any way at all.

When we use words like "MUST" in a spec, those words are directed to
everyone who wants to implement the specification properly. It's
pointless to put in "MUST":s which are directed not at implementors of
our specification, but to some future working group specifying
revisions or extensions to the specification.


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