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KEX-specific and USERAUTH-specific message numbers

Another possible problem I noticed while writing rsa-kex: draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-10.txt says:

   Requests for assignments of new message numbers in the range of 1 to
   127 MUST be done through the STANDARDS ACTION method as described in

This seems slightly wrong to me, in that message numbers in the ranges 30-49 and 60-79 are effectively assigned by whoever owns the KEX or USERAUTH method in use, not by IANA (thought of course some KEX and USERAUTH names are assigned by IANA. I'd suggest the following text:

   Requests for assignments of new message numbers in the range of 1 to
   29, 50 to 59, and 80 to 127 MUST be done through the STANDARDS ACTION
   method as described in [RFC2434].

   The meanings of message numbers in the range of 30 to 49 are specific
   to the key exchange method in use, and their meaning will be specified
   by the definition of that method.

   The meanings of message numbers in the range of 60 to 79 are specific
   to the user authentication method in use, and their meaning will be
   specified by the definition of that method.

I don't think the "Initial Assignments" table for message numbers should mention SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT, SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY, or SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK, since those fall into the ranges not managed by IANA.

Ben Harris

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