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Re: Traffic Analysis

In article <> you write:
>9.2.9  Traffic Analysis
>   Passive monitoring of any protocol may give an attacker some
>   information about the session, the user, or protocol specific
>   information that they would otherwise not be able to garner.  For
>   example, it has been shown that traffic analysis of an SSH session
>   can yield information about the length of the password.  [Openwall]
>   Implementors should use the SSH_MSG_IGNORE packet as described in
>   [SSH-TRANS] along with any other methods they may find to prevent
>   traffic analysis.

It might also be worth mentioning that the "random padding" field can be
used to obscure the length of packets.  I'd suggest, after "SSH_MSG_IGNORE
packet" adding ", and variable-length random padding,", though that wording
could doubtless be improved.

Ben Harris

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