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Re: FYI: draft-ietf.ipr-trademarks-00.txt


[TRANS] has the following text:

   The "arcfour" is the Arcfour stream cipher with 128 bit keys.  The
   Arcfour cipher is believed to be compatible with the RC4 cipher
   [SCHNEIER].  RC4 is a registered trademark of RSA Data Security Inc.
   Arcfour (and RC4) has problems with weak keys, and should be used
   with caution.

Pursuant to Section 3 of draft-ietf.ipr-trademarks-00.txt I will be
removing the statement of trademark.

3. No IPR disclosures in IETF Documents

   To conform to the requirements of RFC 3668, the contribution must not
   include a statement such as "Foo (TM) is a trademark of BarrCo." ...


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

> There is a new I-D just published proposing a process clarification
> on how IETF documents should reference trademarks; if approved by the
> IESG, this will remove the largest current obstacle to publication of the
> secure shell core documents.
> Note that discussions of the specifics of this document are off-topic here;
> if you have comments or concerns about this proposal, discussion should occur on the IETF IPR WG list,
> 						- Bill

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