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Re: Nits in current drafts

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Gutmann <> writes:

    Peter> (Stepping back a bit, I think the problem here has always
    Peter> been the tying of each non-SSH key/cert format to a
    Peter> corresponding non-SSH signature format, even though there's
    Peter> no good reason for this and the non-SSH sig format is often
    Peter> under-specified.  Unifying all the signatures into a single
    Peter> format that's already universally used and widely
    Peter> field-tested doesn't seem like a major showstopper).

Your parenthetical is in fact a new design decision.  I don't believe
that making the decision to drop the PGP signature format can be made
without deciding that your parenthetical statement is the correct
design and I believe making that decision at this point in the process
is inappropriate.


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