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Core IDs

Hi Folks,

I've updated the IDs per instructions and have submitted them to the ID

Items of Note:

- xml2rfc does not like sections after the authors addresses; it changes
them into appendixes.  I've placed a note there to tell the RFC Editor
that this will need to be changed.  Unless someone can hack up the xml2rfc
tcl it will probably be done manually in the Authors-48.

- Tables and paragraphs are currently not kept closely together - another
somthing to be worked on in xml2rfc.  As the headers of the documents will
change from ID format to RFC format, it's not worth doing at this time.
The RFC Editor or I will review to close up tables and remove orphan
lines before publication.

- We have one ID reference for sasl-saslprep in [USERAUTH].  That ID is in
the RFC Editors queue already so it should have an RFC number assigned to
it before these IDs are considered.  Either the RFC Editor or I will make
that change before publication.

- I have placed all of the xml sources here:
I've created subdirectories for the includes which match how I've been
working on them and how my script works for putting them together
(makeem).  The directories of 'MiscReferences' and 'references' are
populated from so I didn't duplicate them.

- All of the issues have been resolved in rt ( ).
Anyone wishing to view them will need to go to
and login with userid=ietf and passwd=ietf
Select the secsh-wg issues.  It may be easiest to find the ones pertaining
to the core IDs by refining the search to my id ( and
selecting status = resolved.

- I'm going to be real hard to find for the rest of this week (spring
break :) so I wanted to get these out soonest.  If anyone finds problems
in this set please bring it up on the list and I'll address it just as
soon as I get back.


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