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Re: Comments on draft-ietf-secsh-x509-00

Henrick Hellström wrote:

Joseph Galbraith wrote:

Henrick Hellström wrote:

I can only see a point in using X.509 certificates with SSH, in case
secure distribution of public keys between the server and the clients is
not feasible.


To be honest, this covers most SSH cases, right?


No, there is no 'not' missing. Example:

"A host server certificate SHOULD include the id_kp_serverAuth OID in the extKeyUsage extension, and a client user certificate SHOULD include the id_kp_clientAuth OID. The extKeyUsage extension SHOULD be marked as critical. Client implementations SHOULD reject host server certificates that contain the id_kp_clientAuth OID in the extKeyUsage extension, and server implementations SHOULD reject client certificates that contain the id_kp_serverAuth OID in the extKeyUsage extension."

One part is "Public Key Authentication Method" and example above cover only it. Other method is "Host-Based Authentication" and in this case host key (certificate) may contain both extentions id_kp_clientAuth and id_kp_serverAuth.

Please note that I don't suggest that the above paragraph should be added. It just serves as an example of an application specific PKI policy.

I agree with this.

RFC 3280 cover enough "Certificate Extensions".

Roumen Petrov

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