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RE: Line termination philosophy [Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-secsh-publickeyfile-08.txt]

"Glen Matthews" <> writes:

>I agree the debate is silly, but I certainly don't want to have to support
>so-called flat files using the equivalent of lrecl and recfm (I used to
>program on MVS a few, well, quite a few, years ago).

Even under MVS, wouldn't "rb,byteseek" (for read) and "wb,byteseek,recfm=*"
(for write) take care of it?  That's what I've been using, and it works fine
(at least for OpenPGP, S/MIME, and PKCS #15 files), provided you remember to
convert the charset to/from EBCDIC, which is another thing the spec would have
to cover if you wanted to get that pedantic about it.

Actually come to think of it [pause, sfx = keyboard allegro prestissimo] yep,
my code's been using SSH text-format keys under MVS since one of the early
drafts for this appeared, despite the potential file-format and EBCDIC issues
this hasn't caused any problems.


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