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Re: draft-ietf-secsh-newmodes-04: ready to go forward.

In article <> you write:
>I haven't seen an announcement come through for newmodes-04 but it looks
>like it was posted to the internet-drafts database on Monday.
>All the changes from -03 appear to be editorial and match what we've
>discussed on this list.  

FWIW, the following comments from my list still apply.

  The abstract mentions [ACM CCS 2002], which doesn't appear in the

  The key size of cast128-ctr should be specified.
  In section 6.2, the phrase "Although there may be networks savings for
  padding to only 8-bytes" should read "Although there may be network savings
  from padding to only 8 bytes".

I'd also mention that the statement of IDEA's block size seems to have been

None of these is serious enough to be allowed to hold up the standard.

Ben Harris

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