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Re: ssh authentication methods

On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 16:29, Rosenberg, Rochelle wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure this is the appropriate place for me to ask a question on SSH.
> If it isn't could you please suggest an alternative.
> Can an ssh server process more than one type of authentication method once
> it has been started?  By that I mean can an ssh server process both
> public-key authentication and say interactive-keyboard authentication.
> The is how I would have the sshd_config file for this scenario.

This is the mailing list for the IETF secure shell working group, which
discusses the protocol in general rather than any specific

For user authentication, the protocol allows the client to try several
methods, one after the other, until one works.

Exactly how you configure your clients and servers to try multiple
methods is better asked on a list which is specific to the ssh software
you're using; implementors present here should feel free to suggest a
better group...

					- Bill
					(secure shell wg chair).

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