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Re: Ben Harris: 3des-ctr & blowfish-ctr

In article <200504270652.CAA13936%Sparkle.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA@localhost> you write:
>I tried to send mail off-list to Ben Harris, but it timed out in the
>queue - perhaps they don't like me:

SAUCE on tries to check your MAIL FROM address, gets
a 550 on connecting to your mail server and for some reason only returns
this to you as a temporary failure.  I'll ask my sysadmin why this doesn't
qualify as a permanent failure, but unless you're willing to accept mail
from chiark we're stuck communicating through the list.

>What I wanted to say was....
>> I've implemented 3des-ctr and blowfish-ctr in PuTTY, but I've had to
>> leave them disabled because I haven't found another implementation to
>> test against.  Does anyone in the WG know of one?
>I just added them to mine - it proved to be even easier than I had
>expected, a matter of five or ten minutes at most.
>Care to do some testing?  I've got a server running on
> port 22222 that you're welcome
>to test against.

Ooh, crunchy...

Well, I've discovered a mutual bug before even getting to NEWKEYS: both
PuTTY and Moussh were waiting for the other end to send a KEXINIT before
they'd send their own, which led to stalemate.  I've fixed this in PuTTY and
you should probably do the same for Moussh.

Having fixed that, I get your server closing the TCP connection on me after
I send the first encrypted packet, which suggests that we're disagreeing on
how the encryption should work.  I've fixed an obvious bug in our 3des-ctr
support (using the keys in the wrong order), bit that didn't help. I've put
copies of the packet logs at
<> and
<>.  Times there are
UTC+1; the connections were from 2002:5212:2743:1:2a0:40ff:fe2a:cb4c.

Ben Harris

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