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Agent IPR issues (was Re: Secure Shell WG: what's left?)

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005 20:00:52 +1000 Darren Tucker <> wrote:

I note that the draft contains the following unspecified IPR claim:

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
regard to some or all of the specification contained in this document.
For more information consult the online list of claimed rights.

At the time that draft was written, the text you quoted was the standard boilerplate to be used when an IPR claim had been received that was alleged or believed to apply to that document. Since then, I believe the boilerplate has been changed such that it doesn't say whether there is a specific claim related to this document, consistent with the IETF's policy of not taking positions wrt IPR claims.

however I can find no reference to the specifics.  Plugging the draft
name into returns:

Search result on draft-ietf-secsh-agent, "Secure Shell Authentication
Agent Protocol"
No IPR disclosures related to draft-ietf-secsh-agent have been

I did rather more searches than that, and I couldn't come up with anything, either.

-- Jeff

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