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Re: nit in draft-ietf-secsh-connect-25.txt

Hi Anil,

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:

> In Section 6.10 (Returning Exit Status) of draft-ietf-secsh-connect-25.txt,
> the formatting of the "exit-signal" packet is different from the
> rest and indented incorrectly.  Breaks my spec-extraction regexp,
> hence the motivation to point it out :)
> --
> Anil Madhavapeddy                       
> University of Cambridge                

That was noted and corrected several months ago.  The IDs are now in the
RFC Editors queue so it's not appropriate to re-spin them.  I'm
maintaining the list of nits here:
and I've let the RFC Editor know that the documents with the corrections
are here:
The differences in indentations are mostly due to the xml.  When a 'list'
was used, usually because of a reference in one or more of the lines, then
it is automatically indented.  When 'artwork' is used then the indentation
is manual.  I'll look into straightening them out.


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