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filexfer: Proposed revision

In Section 3.3, we have the following text:

The use of additional packet types in the non-extension
range MUST be introduced through IETF consensus. New
packet types to be sent from the client to the server
MAY be introduced without changing the protocol
version (Section 4). Because the client has no way
to respond to unrecognized packet types, new packet
types to be sent from the server to the client the
client MUST not used unless the protocol version is
changed or the client has negotiated to received them.
This negotiation MAY be explicit, through the use of
extensions, or MAY be implicit, by the client itself
using a packet type not defined above.

Do we really need this much verbosity, or would the
following paragraph do:

> The use of additional packet types in the non-extension
> range MUST be introduced through IETF consensus.  New
> packet types MAY be introduced without changing the
> version where this can be done in a backwards compatible
> way.

What do people think?



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