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Re: publickey-subsystem-03: extending last call by a week.

On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 01:08, Joseph Galbraith wrote:
> Do we need to bump the protocol version?  I'm pretty sure
> we are already shipping something that says it conforms
> to version 2 that will squawk at the new protocol number.

<wg chair hat off>
<end-user hat on>
I think you have to tell us -- you're probably in the best position to
tell us about the relative consequences for your users of:

 1) your currently shipping implementation encountering an unknown error

 2) your currently shipping implementation encountering another
implementation which only supports the hypothetical version 3, because
the drafts documenting v2 and v1 have long expired.

But, in the absence of what I'd think of as a really horrible
implementation bug I'm having difficulty understanding why #1 would be
worse in practice than #2...

							- Bill

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