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Re: [David Leonard] draft-ietf-secsh-gsskeyex-09.txt comments

>>>>> "David" == David Leonard <> writes:

    David> On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, Sam Hartman wrote:
    >> Is your only objection to the claim that implementations may
    >> append a static string to the hostname?

    David> To the unqualified hostnames? yes, I think so. Even case
    David> folding in some security schemes might be a problem in
    David> unicode cases.  Though, I'm not sure about this.  RFC2742
    David> s4.1 (to which this I-D's s7.1 refers) suggests that the
    David> mechanism may do folding/canonicalizing.  This thread has
    David> been mostly about what SSH clients should do for older GSS
    David> implementations, of which I am not expert.


    >> If not, please explain yourself and provide alternate text.

    David> I will suggest this text to add to 7.1:

    David>  An implementation SHOULD NOT perform any modifications or
    David> canonicalization of the hostname when constructing the
    David> targ_name.

This proposed text does not actually address Bill's original concern:
it does not give implementation advice in the case where the
implementation cannot figure out what to do.  The implementation
advice we're trying to give is to not use mechanisms described in the
draft in that case.

As such I'm going to adopt Jeff's text without the recommendation of
appending a static hostname or discussing case folding.

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