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Re: Definition of "packet"

I wrote:
> I assume that you're referring to the parameter in the
> I agree this is not absolutely clear.
> I think, given the context, that I'd expect it to refer to the maximum
> amount of actual channel data in a packet (i.e., the maximum length of
> the `data' field, not including the string length, in the
> SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA packet), and similar for related types of packet. I
> think this is your option `a'.
> PuTTY at least appears to agree with this.

>From my brief reading of the source, OpenSSH (4.2p1) also appears to
take this interpretation.

> If there's consensus on this, can we get a note into the RFC before it's
> published?

How about the following change to secsh-connect 5.1, which makes the
'maximum packet size' language match that used for 'initial window

                          The 'maximum packet size' specifies the
   maximum number of bytes of channel data that may be sent to the
   sender in a single SSH packet.

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