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Re: collated comments for -dns (RFC 4255) and -kbdinteract (RFC 4256)

[CC'd to listed authors in the secsh-dns and secsh-kbdinteract

I wrote (18 Nov):
> Since there hasn't been any obvious activity on -dns (4255) and
> -kbdinteract (4256), I've taken it upon myself to collate the comments
> I've made and seen on the list in the format the RFC Editor appears to
> want.
> Since I'm not a listed author, I don't plan to actually send this to
> the RFC Editor (unless someone suggests that I do); I hope that it
> saves someone some time.

Neither of these documents has been updated on for
over a month. Is anything happening with them?

As far as comments on the WG mailing list are concerned:
 - secsh-dns is fine as is and just needs acking by the authors;
 - secsh-kbdinteract has a few suggested edits, collated in the message
   to which this is a reply.

As I understand it (from the material Chris Lonvick has forwarded),
every listed author needs to respond in order for the RFC to be

I note that the email address for Frank Cusack in secsh-kbdinteract is
not the same as the From: header of a message recently sent to this
list. Are the contact details in these documents up-to-date? If not,
perhaps the authors haven't seen any email from the RFC Editor?
(I guess I'll find out if the email addresses bounce from the CCs of
this message.)

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