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Re: Please review last nits I'm sending to the RFC Editor

Chris Lonvick writes:
> I'm planning on sending these requests to the RFC Editor.  Please let me 
> know if you'd suggest any changes.

Another trivia review:

> ===
> RFC 4253  [SSH-TRANS]
> 4)
> Section 5.2, fifth paragraph
> - change a word
> OLD:
>     Implementations are expected to have some limit on the ssh transport
>                                                            ^^^
> NEW:
>     Implementations are expected to have some limit on the SSH transport
>                                                            ^^^

This edit is in the wrong section; it should be against RFC 4254

> 5)
> Section 8, second paragraph with associated bullets
> - replace the paragraph and associated bullets
> - do not break the bulleted sections across page boundaries
> NEW:
>         (K_S || f|| s) to C.  The signing operation may involve a
Missing space.

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