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I've just sent off draft-harris-ssh-rsa-kex to <>. This should address all the concerns I've heard about, updates my postal address, and changes the e-mail address to a temporary disposable one for the time being. Detailed responses to comments follow.

Scott Hollenback wrote:
Section 4: How many bits are in the "byte" data type?  Is the
"string" data type null-terminated or not?  I checked both
draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers and draft-ietf-secsh-transport to
see if they included normative definitions, but they appear to use
the same data types without providing a definition.

Stated generically, where are the normative definitions for the
data types used in this document?

I believe this is resolved by a new reference to draft-ietf-secsh-architecture in section 2.

Russ Housley wrote:
The security considerations say:
> K, the random integer generated by the client, is the only secret
> shared by client and server.  Thus its entropy directly determines
> the security of the session against eavesdropping.
Please point to RFC 4086 for guidance on generation of random values.


Also, why is the random value and integer?

draft-ietf-secsh-transport, section 7.2, states:

   Encryption keys MUST be computed as HASH of a known value and K as
   o  Initial IV client to server: HASH(K || H || "A" || session_id)
      (Here K is encoded as mpint and "A" as byte and session_id as raw
      data.  "A" means the single character A, ASCII 65).

K can only be encoded as an mpint if it's an integer.

I believe that the key is the
secret input to the SSH key derivation function.  Finally, please
point out that the client has complete control over the secret value
that is used.  The server does not provide any entropy.

The penultimate paragraph of section 8 should cover this.  In particular,
it states:

   Unlike the Diffie-Hellman key exchange method defined by [I-D.ietf-
   secsh-transport], this method allows the client to fully determine
   the shared secret, K.

Elwyn Davies wrote:
-secsh-assignments specifies the numbers defined in this range in
-secsh-transport but allows the numbers to be overloaded.  Is it the
intention that future names/numbers in this range should be registered
with IANA even though it may not be strictly necessary?

No.  That was an error in -assignednumbers, and has been fixed in
the RFC-Editor draft of RFC 4250.

s1: It might be useful to mention that the terminology and abbreviations
(such as K_S) are mostly taken from the -secsh-transport draft.

I've added that to section 2.

s3: Might be useful to introduce the K_S notation for the server host
key here, if only to make it absolutely clear that it isn't the same as K_T.

I think the reference in section 2 should be sufficient.

s3: It would be useful to point to s8 of -secsh-transport for the
mechanisms used for verifying the host key.

Done (the reference to -transport was there already, but I've added a section number.

s4, para 1: s/, which are defined by the method name/that are specified,
fixed values defined for each method name/

I've rewritten this entirely.  I think it's rather clearer now.

s4: There should be a note pointing to -secsh-architecture regarding how
the message contents are specified.

I think that's covered by my new "other terminology" note in section 2.

s4: Generation of K: I would prefer (2*HLEN) to 2HLEN in the
specification of the range for K.

Appendix A:  The previous comment applies to 4 places in Appendix A also.

All changed.

Ben Harris

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