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SFTP URI issues

Several issues have been raised in the past month over the SFTP URI. 

Issue #1: On the IETF list several people expressed concern that the
scheme name "sftp" might be confused with RFC 913 (Simple FTP) or RFC
2228/4217 (FTP security extensions using TLS).  While I think 913 is
historic and unlikely to cause confusion I believe there are
implementations of TLS FTP around.  I think there are probably many more
implementations of sftp and many people would understand that SFTP is
file transfer in SSH, but there is room for confusion.  We could either
note the confusion and keep sftp or select some other scheme name such
as sshftp and reserve sftp so no other protocol uses it. 

Issue #2: The current draft states that if you specify a URL that begins
without a %2F (URL encoded /) it is relative to the home directory.
Several people have suggested that this is awkward and they would rather

A) A URL that beings without a %2f to be an absolute URL, and choose
another delimiter such as ~ to indicate a path relative to the home

B) Allow / instead of %2F so s becomes

I'm not sure B is legal URL encoding, but I think it may work.  A seems
like it would work. 

Any Recommendations?



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