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[Inquiry #85608] IETF mailing list archive for SECSH WG not being updated

> [ - Thu Mar 23 20:48:04 2006]:
> Scott Blomquist writes:
> > [Jacob Nevins:]
> > > When this happened before, a WG member said that NetBSD have an
> > > archive which can probably be used to fill in any gaps, if necessary.
> > > I don't know if that's still true.
> > 
> > Ok I have re-subscribed an address here.  I could not find any text
> > archives.  Have any pointers?
> I don't know about any NetBSD archive, but I do have access to a local
> archive which covers the relevant period, in fact. I've cleaned it up
> and will send it to you under separate cover.

Thanks.  I have put both files in place and I have confirmed the
subscription so I should be getting updates now.

sb. Scott Blomquist

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