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[Inquiry #85608] IETF mailing list archive for SECSH WG not being updated

> [ - Wed Mar 29 06:57:42 2006]:
> Scott Blomquist writes:
> > Thanks.  I have put both files in place
> This is fine, thanks.
> > and I have confirmed the subscription so I should be getting updates
> > now.
> I'm not convinced this is working.
> There are five recent messages on the list which are not in the archive
> at <>, not including
> the one I'm writing now.
> One of these arrived after the message I'm replying to:
> <>
> subject "SECURECOMM 2006 - Extended Deadline".
> The only message in 'current' that's not in the copy I sent you is a
> "Welcome to ietf-ssh" message.

Yah it doesn't seem correct, but the messages that are coming in are
getting there.  The message you sent above got in.  Let's see if this
one gets in.


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