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Re: Last call comments for draft-ietf-secsh-publickey-subsystem-07

Nicolas Williams wrote:

(Although in fact I'd rather we avoided the term "blob" entirely, as
in publickeyfile, due to the conflict with 4253.)

What conflict?  I see no conflict.  RFC4253 *is* the [2] reference.

Yes. I believe Jacob's pointing out that RFC4253 is a bit vague here. It's not entirely clear about whether "blob" is *just* the key/certificate data, or the type string as a header and then key/certificate data (which for ssh-dss and ssh-rsa then includes the type again, hence appearing twice on the wire).

If there's consensus for such a change and we're talking about something
not very substantive then your AD may instruct you to make it during

Thanks for the information. If there's a guide somewhere for first-time editors, I've not yet spotted it...

Jon Bright

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