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Re: draft-bjh21-ssh-transport-extension-01

On Saturday, February 24, 2007 07:22:46 PM -0700 Joseph Galbraith <> wrote:

Ben Harris wrote:
I've uploaded a new version of my transport extension draft which I
think addresses everyone's comments.  Any more before I wave it at the
IESG?  In particular, I'm wondering if I should extend it to allocate
similar message numbers for extensions to ssh-userauth and/or


Userauth might be a good idea; ssh-connect already has
SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, which serves this purpose.

Userauth really shouldn't need this. There is a space of 20 message numbers whose meanings are defined on a per-method basis, and new non-method-specific userauth messages should be extremely rare.

OTOH, the rarity argument can also be made for transport messages, and the scarity-of-numbers argument applies at least as well to userauth, so I suppose I won't object if you want to do it.

-- Jeff

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