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Re: draft-bjh21-ssh-transport-extension-01

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

> > Ben Harris wrote:
> > > In particular, I'm wondering if I should extend it to allocate
> > > similar message numbers for extensions to ssh-userauth and/or
> > > ssh-connect.
> Userauth really shouldn't need this.  There is a space of 20 message numbers
> whose meanings are defined on a per-method basis, and new non-method-specific
> userauth messages should be extremely rare.
> OTOH, the rarity argument can also be made for transport messages, and the
> scarity-of-numbers argument applies at least as well to userauth,

I think I disagree slightly with that.  Userauth has 16 unallocated 
message numbers where transport has 13, and I've got two extensions in 
mind that would need transport message types, but none that would need 
userauth ones.  I think for the moment, I'm minded to leave userauth (and 
connect) out.

Ben Harris

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