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Re: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-green-secsh-ecc-07

A new version of I-D, draft-green-secsh-ecc-07.txt has been
successfuly submitted by Douglas Stebila and posted to the IETF

Filename:	 draft-green-secsh-ecc
Revision:	 07
Title:		 Elliptic-Curve Algorithm Integration in the Secure Shell
Transport Layer
Creation_date:	 2009-04-27
WG ID:		 Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 23

This document describes algorithms based on Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) for use within the Secure Shell (SSH) transport
protocol.  In particular, it specifies: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
(ECDH) key agreement, Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (ECMQV) key
agreement and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for
use in the SSH Transport Layer protocol.

Has anyone here tried to implement this? I'm in the process of preparing a writeup to go along with the publication request for this document, and I'd like to hear from anyone willing to share their implementation experience.

-- Jeff

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