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Re: Feedback from uri list

--On Thursday, October 15, 2009 04:22:35 PM -0400 der Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> wrote:

Anyway, I'd favor


The problem with that (or the more verbose form) arises as soon as you
try to express "here's the host's ssh-dss fingerprint and here's its
ssh-rsa fingerprint".  This turns into something like
955042212316173ccf37be, which, syntactically, is providing conflicting
values to a single parameter.  That's whence the attempt to move the to
the left side of the equal sign in some way.

Unfortunately, that's insufficient. Depending on the situation, one might wish to express that the named host may provide any of several keys, all using the same algorithm. For example, one might provide a hostname which resolves to one of several distinct machines.

-- Jeff

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