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Re: Unimplementability [was Re: adding IUTF8 to encoded terminal modes in SSH Protocol Assigned Numbers]

Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> writes:

> > I think this is the right way, at least in theory.
> Which is?  I gave two alternatives; your "this is the right way" is
> rather ambiguous.

The ssh way, which requires the sysadmin to know what encoding is used.

> If my username - or password - is (hex) 4d f8 b5
> a7 eb, then if I'm at a device which uses 8859-1, I need to type <M>
> <o-slash> <micro> <section> <e-diaeresis>; if I'm at a device which
> uses 8859-7, I need to type <M> <psi> <dialytika tonos> <section>
> <lambda>;

And if you're on a device using utf-8, you're going to have some
difficulty generating the right octets. Now, if you're logging in from
another unix system, you could always start an xterm in a latin1 locale
(which you might want to do anyway, to handle the encoding in the
channel data better), and use that for logging in, and things should
work just fine. But on other devices, it might be harder to deal with.


Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid C0B98E26.
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