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Re: Albrecht/Paterson/Watson's attack

>> moussh does not yet include this defense [partial IGNORE packets]; I
>> found it remarkably difficult to do.

> I have some code to do this [...].  I have a "push" flag for the
> functions to encrypt and send of an ssh package.  Packets without
> this flag is buffered.  When the buffered data exceeds a reasonable
> packet size, I send the packet out with no extra ignore message.

> If the push flag is set, the packet is sent regardless of the amount
> of buffered data, and an extra ignore message is appended to the
> buffer.

Vastly different internal architecture.  My code sends packets by
encrypting them and appending to an output queue.  There's a separate
work procedure (a little like a thread without a stack) that writes
from the output queue.  In this paradigm, the connection going idle
amounts to the output queue draining completely.  But, in order for
something to be written in the same writev() as the output queue, it
has to be ready to be written.  But that means running it through the
crypto, consuming key material.  Since I have no way of telling how
much is writable at any given moment (even postulating a call that asks
that could fail because the answer could change between query and
writev), I can't tell whether the writev() will drain the queue (and I
thus want a partial IGNORE packet there) or not (in which case I
don't).  So I'd have to always append it - but then, to avoid a zillion
unnecesasry IGNOREs, I'd need the ability to retract it if no part of
it actually gets written.  That's where it gets interesting.

I could extend the output queue to store a possible IGNORE separately,
but that wouldn't help because it has to be encrypted in sequence with
the packets on either side of it, which would change (potentially) each
time around.  I could store it in the clear, but I have no way to tell
whether I need to encrypt it; there's no way for writev() to tell me
whether it wants more data in a way that lets me compute before
providing it.

Of course, the output queue draining in userland is not the same as the
TCP output queue draining.  I'd rather drive it off the latter, but
there's no easy way to do that; for most purposes, the userland queue
draining is a good enough approximation.

I might be able to add something like your `push' flag, but it's not
clear to me when I should set it.  It sounds to me as though your
paradigm will insert IGNOREs at certain points in the output stream
even if the connectino _isn't_ going idle - correct?

I need to think about this more.  I may need a redesign, or I may come
up with a clean way to do the crypto rollback, or who knows....

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