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Re: Curve25519/448 key agreement for SSH

Simon -

> A simple approach would be to say that if the MSB is 1,
> prepend a zero byte.  However, the length difference
> would leak that information.

The length difference might not be much of a problem, since K is never sent.

> For Curve448 this seems like a problem.  Is it okay to
> prepend a zero byte in SSH big integers even if
> one is not necessary?

No, this is prohibited in RFC 4251:

  Unnecessary leading bytes with the value 0 or 255 MUST NOT be
  included.  The value zero MUST be stored as a string with zero
  bytes of data.


----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Josefsson
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 03:30
To: denis bider
Subject: Re: Curve25519/448 key agreement for SSH

denis bider <> writes:

> Simon, Aris -
> thank you for this work. I plan to be implementing this soon, and I
> appreciate that you're moving ahead with standardization.

Hi Denis.  Excellent!  It would be perfect if someone would attempt
implementation based on this document (and cfrg-curves) and tell us what
is missing, and what could have helped them implement it more quickly.

> With respect to conversion of the binary string X into mpint K, is
> there a chance that X might have its high bit set?
> If it's possible for the high bit to be set, it seems you ought to
> clarify how that's converted into mpint, given that mpint is signed:

>       Represents multiple precision integers in two's complement format,
>       stored as a string, 8 bits per byte, MSB first.  Negative numbers
>       have the value 1 as the most significant bit of the first byte of
>       the data partition.  If the most significant bit would be set for
>       a positive number, the number MUST be preceded by a zero byte.

Good point, I believe the document has to discuss the mapping between
binary Curve25519/Curve448 binary strings into mpint's.

A simple approach would be to say that if the MSB is 1, prepend a zero
byte.  However, the length difference would leak that information.

For Curve25519 the most-significant bit is always zero though, so this
will never happen.  For Curve448 this seems like a problem.  Is it okay
to prepend a zero byte in SSH big integers even if one is not necessary?
Then a simple approach would be to do nothing for Curve2559 and to
always add a zero byte for Curve448.

> Besides that, I'm noticing the language could use improvement in
> places ("this document re-use" -> "this document reuses", "is is" ->
> "is").

Fixed, thank you.


> Overall, thank you for moving forward with this, though.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Simon Josefsson
> Sent: Monday, November 9, 2015 09:07
> To:
> Subject: Curve25519/448 key agreement for SSH
> Aris and me have prepared a document describing key agreement using the
> CFRG curves for Secure Shell.  As you know,
> is already implemented by libssh, OpenSSH, Dropbear, and some others.
> This is about putting the description of that into IETF format, and to
> add the Curve448 hedge variant chosen by CFRG.  It might not be detailed
> enough for independent implementation, but we hope to get there.  Any
> review and feedback is welcome.
> /Simon
> PS. There is but
> that talks about Ed25519 signatures.  The document above is about key
> agreement.

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